Refunds and exchanges if an event is cancelled or postponed may vary from event to event. Please see specific event information for the terms and conditions of that Event.

If an event is cancelled or postponed and the tickets have not been sold to you by Brynkinalt, requests for refunds should be directed to the relevant ticket seller.

In the event of cancellation or postponement, travel or accommodation costs are non-refundable unless tickets are purchased as part of a package.

Lost or stolen tickets cannot be refunded.

Brynkinalt reserves the right to make any change whatsoever in the performance/event owing to any unforeseen or unavoidable circumstance. Brynkinalt or its suppliers may, at their discretion, offer a full or partial refund if such a change results in the loss of your enjoyment of the event.

Tickets are personal to the holder and are non-transferable.

Recording, filming and photography within the House is by permission only.

Dogs other than assistance dogs will not be admitted to events unless otherwise stated.

Brynkinalt Estate shall not be responsible for loss or damage to personal property brought to the venue.

By attending the event ticket holders consent to being recorded, filmed or photographed as part of the audience.  Please notify a member of staff on the day or contact the Estate Office if you wish to withdraw this consent.

Brynkinalt Estate reserves the right to refuse entry.

Any particular access or other requirements must be submitted to The Estate Office before the event.